Sunday 4 December 2011

The New Youtube Homepage...ugh

Why is that when Youtube redsigns their homepage it just keeps on getting worse and worse? No one, and I mean abosolutely no one like these changes that Youtube seem to be making on their homepage. Everytime Youtube changes the homepage 99.9% of the time someone in the comments will say that the homepage is horrible and wishes the old Youtube would come back. Yup, even the community hates Youtube's redesigns.

Youtube has done this many times in the past. In 2009, they remade the channels, in 2010 they remade the layout whenever you would click on a video, and that started the dislike button joke, and boy did those jokes get extremely old, I think in that very same year they remade the Yotube hompage, and now, in 2011 Youtube has remade their homepage again, and this time for the worst.

Whenever your subscriptions uploads a new videos, the user won't be able to see all of them. The only way to see all the videos is if you go on your subscription's channel. You are unable to see any comments that you have received by when you first log into your home.

The only people that this homepage redesign benefits are the advetisers because some ads can not be closed at all. Almost everytime I log into my youtube account, there is always a new advertisement and that advertisement banner takes up atleast a quarter of the homepage. Advertising is what keeps Youtube a float because well it keeps google a float and so obviously Youtube would make a homepage that would benefit the advertisers. It's just apart of their busniess. No matter how many people dislike it.

The new Youtube homepage looks like this:

Here is someone that can explain how Youtube's redesigned homepage very well and is more in depth with it than  I am:

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