Sunday 18 December 2011

False advertisment on Youtube

Have you ever been Rick Rolled? If you don't know what that it is, it is when you click on a video, and the next thing you know the music video of Rick Ashtley's, "never gonna give you up" shows up, and the video uploader used a false title in order to get views.

There actually are people that do something silmilar to this and the worst part is, they make money off of doing this. There are people that litterally use false titles and thumbnails to get views, and they trick millions of people to watch their videos. Sometimes these very same people profit out of tricking people into thinking that they have footage of the lastest natural disaster but they don't. Instead it is just the video uploader talking about the natural disaster.

I find this to be very sad and pathetic at the sametime. There are people struggling to get jobs, and here are these guys are making thousands, if not million of dollars lying to thousands of people. The worst part these guys actually have fans. I click on some of these guys' youtube channel, and notice that they literally millions of subscribers. I really don't understand why people would find these guys entertaining.

Altough, this tactic has been noticeably toned down, and now the top tier Youtube partners do not use false thumbnails anymore. Why is it that those top tier partners do not remove the videos that have the false titles on them? Those videos are still making money, and I doubt many of these partners would remove the ad revenue that these videos make.

This video is a prime example of what I'm talking about:

The video title is spelt in huge capital letters, there's ads enabled on them, the title misleads the user in to thinking that the video has the content that the video title is claiming to have. You know for example, if video is about Justin Bieber slapping a girl then it should have a video of Justin Bieber slapping a girl, not some guy talking about it. Advertising tactics like that mislead many people to watch the uploader's video.

This tactic is not as overused as it used to be, but the real kicker is that these videos still exsit. This may teach many people in society to use false advertisment, and that does not mean only on Youtube, but in other ways because look at these youtube partners. They used make millions of dollars using false advertisment. Tricking the system may have worked in the past, but that doesn't mean that false advertisment can not be used in other places. There is no need to make quality or work hard to get what you want just find a way to cheat your way ouy. This is the message that society may get from this.

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