Friday 20 January 2012

A new found awareness of the media

The media has been around for a very long time, and the media affects the lives of many people. The eyes of many people are glued to the media, and there are many job opportunites for people who want to be apart of the media. The media showcases itself through many outlets like advertisements, tv shows, movies, etc. The media tries to tell a message through all of these outlets and many of these messages that these outlets tell affect the lives of many people. In this blog post I will be talking about how because of my new awareness of the media and media industries, my relationship with the media and media industries has grown stonger. For example the media has made me a more confident person, my relationship with the media has greatly lowered my attention span, and my new found relationship with the media and media industries has distorted my view of reality.

I love to make references or jokes for no reason and of course the media is the source of it all. I cannot for the life of me go on for one day with out me making refernces to internet videoes like this:

My main point is that my relationship with the media has made me in to a much more confindent person. Back when I was a child one of my biggest weaknesses(and boy were there many) was that my speaking skills were incredibly lacking. I would hardly talk in any of my classes and I would get a lot of Ds on my report card when it came to oral and communication, I would rarely speak to other students, I would hardly ever answer questions in class, and when I would present in front of the class, I would sound really bland and boring. When I started to get more exposed to the media and started to watch videos like this one for example:

I started to become more opinionated. I started to realize that I should not just like a song, movie, picture etc because other people enjoy them, I should like a movie, song, picture, TV show etc that I myself happen to enjoy. Because of this I have managed to gain more true friends. Without my relationship with the media I would not be the same person I am today. Through these past months, my relationship with the media has grown even stronger because I am fascinated by the way the media has persuades people in to something as menial as buying a new toy, food, going to see a movie etc. It's like the media has changed me as a person throughout my life and thanks to my found relationship with the media I underdstand why. I seem to have learned a lot from my relationship with the media ie., talking more frequently, asking more questions, not being afraid of getting something I want and cracking bad jokes.

As much as my relationship with the media has given me positive affects. There will always be negative to balance out the positive. My relationship with the media has caused me to have a much shorter attention span. Whenever I plan a perfect work schedule, 99.9% of the time that work schedule always gets ruined because of my obession over the media. Here is an example of how my obession with the media lowers my attention span; I plan on working one subject for two hours, another subject for one hour, and another subject for three hours, but instead I get distracted non-stop because I try to listen to my favorite songs or video at the same time in the backround while doing my work. My schedule goes from perfect to completely disjointed and then I get the inveitable sleep at 1:00am or 2:00am. Whenever I do work on the computer, I always type while listening to my favorite video or listening to my favorite song in the backround while I am doing my work to boost my concentration, but in the end,  I always end up losing my concentration, and start to open up the window or tab that has the video or song and afterwards I go on a complete tangent for two or three hours and then I go back to work. I often try to do my school work while listening to videos like these in the backround:

Or songs like these:

I have given you enough examples of what music I listen to, and what videos I watch to show you what I play in the backround while doing my work. If you have watched what I have shown you. You might be asking yourself how can a person gain extra concentration while listening to these videos or music in the backround and doing homework at the sametime? The answer is that this is what my relationship to the media has grown into. I can not even do work for five minutes without my mind wanting to hear my favorite media piece. When I am planning to do some studying, I always want to watch some videos first and then do it half an hour later, but instead it takes me two hours later to get started on my work. I do not what will happen to me, if I lose any form of contact with the media. I would probably go through with withdrawal. The more media I watch everyday the lower my concentration goes down.

The last reason on how my relationship with the media has grown stronger is because I have been so obessed with the media to the point where I will sometimes think I'm in some kind of T.V show. Whenever someone tries to bother me, I always make an attempt to a witty remark in order to make myself feel cool inside or try to make myself feel like the "cool" protagonist. Sometimes in order to calm my stress down whenever I do bad on a test, I always think of me doing the next test as the sequel that improves upon the awkward predecessor. I always think of any second chance I get to improve my mark as the sequel that will improve upon the predecessor. Whenever I do my work, I always view the teachers as reviewers and I view myself as the producer. As a producer I hope the products I make get a good review or else I will feel really bad for myself and I also get no money out of my products. I will also try to recite quotes that I consider wise or funny from my favorite media pieces in order to calm down my stress. Whenever I am in a tough situation 90% of the time, I will always think of the media I watch to calm myself down. My relationship with the media has kind made me lose parts of my reality, but at the same time my relationship with the media is a great stress reliver. Whenever I happen to listen to a song I really like that I happened to have found on a movie, game or video. I will always think of that game, movie or video where I found that song from. Whenever I listen to that song while walking and thinking about that media product where I found that song from, I get this sudden burst of energy. A recent example would be this video:

Now, when I ever listen to "Here" by Vast I will always think of that video. It's like I can never get this video out of my head. If I ever listen to song while I'm walking and I'm thinking about this video at the sametime. I will probably get an awkward burst of energy. My distortion of reality causes me to have constant day dreams. When I'm outside that is never a good thing.  

In conclusion, my relationship with the media has strengthed my personality, lowered my attention span, and distorted my view of ficton and non-fiction. If my relationship with the media grows any stronger I say that the positive and affects and the negative affects will increase ten fold. Despite the shorter attention span, I will figure out a way to cancel out the negative affects the media has given me. Throughout my life so far my relatioship with the media has grown stronger, and as my relationship with the media grows stronger, I grow stronger as a person and my relatioship helps me understand life better.  My awareness of new awareness of the media made me realize that I do many strange things.